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Evoke Homeopathy & Wellness

Evoke your innate healing ability


What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complete system of individualized medicine developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann during the 19th century. Its principles are grounded in the laws of nature and the recognition of health and healing as a holistic experience.

Homeopathy addresses symptoms of disease through a carefully selected homeopathic medicine that matches the unique pattern of symptom expression in the individual. When accurately selected, this medicine evokes a healing response and the symptoms resolve.

Astaire Roorda, CCH (Homeopath)

When my 18 month old daughter started developing eczema and it continued to worsen, along with loose stool over a long period of time, and seemingly delayed speech development, we decided to ask for Astaire’s help in treating her. Her first appointment with my daughter was thorough, and after giving her the chosen remedy, my daughter’s eczema had cleared within a WEEK. And even more shocking was an explosion in speech, from pointing and saying “uh” to actually choosing to say words or people’s names. Astaire eventually decided to change the remedy to tackle her stool symptoms, and to clear a secondary rash, which again resolved within a few days. Here we are a mere two months later, her skin symptoms are completely resolved, and her stool is so close to being back to normal. The coolest part is we only gave my daughter one dose of the second remedy (about 3 weeks ago now) and she continues to improve. Homeopathy is so gentle and aids the body in healing itself at a pace that is beneficial and truly curative. Homeopathy has been such a blessing to our family, both in acute situations, and when we need more help to treat chronic issues too. We have been happy with the care and guidance Astaire has provided and highly recommend her!
— Chelsea M.
Astaire was quickly responsive when my son was injured with a baseball to his face. Her guidance was spot on and the remedy worked amazingly to stop bleeding, reduce swelling quickly, and accelerated his healing time. Even the doctors were amazed at how well he handled it and how quickly the swelling went down! Homeopathy is truly a blessing, and Astaire is very knowledgeable and has been extremely helpful in guiding and teaching me the process of natural healing
— Eric H.
I have been a patient of Evoke Homeopathy & Wellness for over 2 years. Astaire has an amazing wealth of knowledge pertaining to the entire body, mind and soul of healing. My anxiety is under control, my heart palpitations don’t last for hours, and my heartburn is not an everyday burning in my throat and making me cough. I’ve been able to start weaning myself down from my strong blood pressure medications and the side affects they cause. Homeopathy is not an instant fix but it’s can be a permanent one. I have not taken an over the counter medication in two years. Thank you Astaire.
— Jeannine M.

“My clients consistently experience significant improvement in their symptoms during the course of treatment, followed by complete resolution of symptoms. Length of time required for complete resolution of symptoms varies, depending upon several factors which include; the duration of symptoms, depth of pathology, past use of medications, and the client’s level of commitment to the treatment process.”



homeo- (similar)

-pathy (suffering)

Homeopathy is a complete system of individualized, natural medicine. It addresses symptoms of disease through a carefully selected homeopathic medicine that matches the unique pattern of symptom expression in the individual. When accurately selected, this medicine evokes a healing response and the symptoms resolve.


How does HOMEOPATHY work?

Homeopathy works by evoking a healing response from the body.

This healing response is based on a concept called, ‘hormesis’. Hormesis is the adaptive response of cells to an outside stressor. So in other words, when a sick person is given a ‘stressor’ (in the form of the homeopathic remedy which contains the symptoms of the person’s illness), the body responds adaptively to this stressor in an attempt to maintain homeostasis (balance). In this way, the remedy evokes a response to the person’s unique set of symptoms, thus beginning the healing process.

Another way to view this is to think of it from the perspective of Newton’s Third Law;“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” When given a homeopathic remedy, the person’s body responds with symptoms opposite to those in the remedy. Since the remedy contains the same symptoms that the ill person is experiencing, it evokes a healing response from the person’s system.



Are you ready to take back your health? Schedule your Initial Intake Appointment and let’s get started!
