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treatment addresses symptoms of disease through a carefully selected remedy which evokes your body to begin the process of healing itself.


Our clients consistently experience significant improvement in their symptoms during the course of treatment, with complete resolution of symptoms following. We are so confidant in our ability to help you, that if one or more of your symptoms is not 50% improved during the first four-week follow-up appointment, we will refund you the cost of your follow-up appointment!



homeo- (similar)

-pathy (suffering)

Homeopathy is a holistic healing modality which treats each person’s unique set of symptoms with a proven homeopathic remedy that has produced the same symptoms in a healthy person.


How does HOMEOPATHY work?

Homeopathy works by evoking a healing response from the body.

This healing response is based on a concept called, ‘hormesis’. Hormesis is the adaptive response of cells to an outside stressor. So in other words, when a sick person is given a ‘stressor’ (in the form of the homeopathic remedy which contains the symptoms of the person’s illness), the body responds adaptively to this stressor in an attempt to maintain homeostasis (balance). In this way, the remedy evokes a response to the person’s unique set of symptoms, thus beginning the healing process.

Another way to view this is to think of it from the perspective of Newton’s Third Law;“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” When given a homeopathic remedy, the person’s body responds with symptoms opposite to those in the remedy. Since the remedy contains the same symptoms that the ill person is experiencing, it evokes a healing response from the person’s system.



Are you ready to take back your health? Schedule your Initial Intake Appointment and let’s get started!
