Step 1: Initial Intake Appointment (325$)

The Initial Intake Appointment is the client’s first appointment. During this comprehensive 90-120 minute appointment, the client is given the opportunity to explain their symptoms in as much detail as possible, while I actively listen. I might ask clarification questions or timeline information regarding the client’s symptoms as well as responses to life events, medications, or stressors. The goal of this appointment is to understand how the client is experiencing their symptom(s), in the context of their timeline of health, life stressors, and any additional relevant factors.

Step 2: Homeopathic Remedy Recommendation (included in the cost of the Initial Intake)

After the appointment, I will spend several hours studying my Initial Intake Appointment notes to ascertain patterns in the client’s symptoms and then look for the best fitting homeopathic medicine to match the client’s unique constellation of symptoms.

Within 24-48 business hours, the client will receive their first homeopathic remedy recommendation and instructions for purchasing their remedy. Sometimes, the initial remedy recommendation includes dietary and/or lifestyle advice.

Step 3: Order Your Remedy (cost per remedy ranges from $4.50- $12.00 plus shipping)

Clients are responsible to order their own remedies. Detailed instructions will be provided, along with recommended remedy suppliers. Optional remedy ordering service provided for an additional 25$.

Step 4: First Dose Check-In (included in the cost of the Initial Intake)

After the client takes the first one or two doses of their remedy, we will have a phone or email check-in to ascertain response to the remedy.

Step 5: Weekly Check-In (included in the cost of the Initial Intake)

If the client is taking liquid remedy doses, we will have brief weekly check-ins via email or phone. Usually, the weekly check-ins continue through the first one or two months of treatment. If the client is taking dry doses (pills) of their remedy, they will not receive weekly check-ins.

Step 6: Schedule Monthly, Weekly, or Bi-Weekly Progress Checks

Progress Checks are essential for successful homeopathic treatment and are scheduled for the duration of the homeopathic treatment process. Each Monthly Progress Check appointment lasts 30-60 minutes. During these appointments, we go through all of the client’s symptoms to assess any changes and make subsequent dosage or remedy adjustments. Progress Check appointments can be initiated by the client at any time, and can be scheduled from the General Scheduling Page.

Weekly or Bi-Weekly Progress Check Appointments are recommended for Complex Cases. These are cases where there has been significant use of allopathic medications, or the client is required to take prescribed medications during homeopathic treatment due to deeper pathologies. In cases like these, significant support and follow-up is needed in order to support the healing process and make necessary adjustments to dosing as symptoms improve.